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On Creativeness in C-E Translation of Li Qingzhao's Poetry

2023-01-08 10:40Source:Horizon Academic

Title: On Creativeness in C-E Translation of Li Qingzhao's Poetry   论诗歌翻译的创造性——以李清照诗词为例

Name(s): Huang Shougang   黄守岗

Abstract: It has been quite a long time for the debate on whether poetry translation is possible. This debate reveals that poetry translation is complex, challenging and special although the debate yields no conclusion. The complexity of poetry translation lies in how to keep the image and avoid ambiguity and polysemy due to the indeterminacy of Chinese syntax. Under the condition that it's difficult to pin down the original meaning, what's important is to keep it as poetry, i.e., to keep those features of poetry in translation. Poetry of Song Dynasty(PSD) has been worshipped as "literature of one generation", and Li Qingzhao is one of leading figures for PSD. We can find how important creative translation is by the case study of Li Qingzhao's Poetry.   诗歌的可译与不可译争论由来已久,虽无定论,但争论本身说明诗歌翻译的复杂性、挑战性和特殊性,这种特殊性表现在诗歌突出意象的保留以及由于句法不确定而导致的歧义性和多义性上。在原文意义很难确定的条件下,诗歌翻译首先要保留诗之为诗的特性,即要注重诗话特点的保留。宋词被后人尊为“一代之文学”,而李清照是宋词的杰出代表,从对李清照诗词的翻译例证中不难看出创造性翻译在诗歌翻译中的意义。

Key words: poetry; translation; creativeness; Li Qingzhao   诗歌;翻译;创造性性;李清照