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Some understandings of the course of morality and rule of law

2023-05-10 21:33Source:Journal of Education Research

Some understandings of the course of morality and rule of law

Lin Fengshuo(Mianzhu nanxuan primary school   postcode 618200)

Abstract:Moral and rule of law course is responsible for the important task of ideal education, moral education and discipline education for students. In order to cultivate students' good moral behavior habits, we should pay attention to improving students' ability to distinguish right from wrong, and cultivate students' patriotism and good moral feelings in teaching.

Keywords: Ability to distinguish right from wrong, patriotism, spirit, morality and emotion

Moral and rule of law course is responsible for the important task of ideal education, moral education and discipline education for students. But because this course itself is not the main course of study, students don't pay much attention to it in their usual study. To lay a good foundation for students to form a scientific world outlook, to improve their moral awareness in teaching, to better guide students' lives and to develop good moral behavior habits, therefore, only by adding cases from life in teaching can students' interest in learning be constantly stimulated, so that the classroom can return to society and be close to students' lives, can their subjective learning consciousness be strengthened.

First, improve students' ability to distinguish right from wrong in the teaching of morality and rule of law

Students in grade five or six of primary school are no longer absolutely obedient to teachers as they are in grade one or two, and have asked for more self-expression. They are fully familiar with life, their knowledge is gradually expanding, and their way of doing things has changed from what others want me to do to what I want to do. However, in the process of seeking independence, they often can't tell right from wrong, and even do something wrong. How to make the right choice in the face of right and wrong in life? For example, in teaching the lesson "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs", let students list the bad temptations in life and discuss them in groups according to different temptations:

(1) What are the characteristics of these temptations?

(2) What serious consequences will there be if you don't resist?

(3) What methods should we take to resist these temptations?

In this way, students' interest is stimulated and students take the initiative to participate. Teaching is orderly, so that teaching is targeted and effective. At the same time, we should attach importance to the integration of new curriculum theory with practice.

Second, cultivate students' patriotism in the teaching of morality and rule of law.

Patriotism education is the core of thinking teaching in China. Therefore, in teaching, in order to better encourage students to cultivate patriotism and establish a correct world outlook and outlook on life, we must attach importance to imparting students' political theoretical knowledge. Let students understand the importance of patriotism through studying theoretical knowledge. For example, when teaching the fifth grade of "Fighting bravely against humiliation", "Awakening the nation to overthrow the monarchy" and "China has a Communist Party", we should use the teaching methods of searching information and watching relevant video clips to let students know the historical facts such as the atrocities committed by western powers in invading China, and the humiliation and harm brought to the Chinese people by the aggression of western powers, so that students can know the root causes of bullying in backward countries and inspire their patriotism. After learning the theoretical knowledge in this lesson, students can collect stories about resisting foreign invaders. Through the demonstration of examples, we can realize the tenacious fighting spirit of the Chinese nation, make full use of positive energy for education and publicity, and stimulate students' national self-esteem and patriotic feelings.

Third, cultivate students' good moral feelings in the teaching of morality and rule of law.

We live in society every day, and we can't do without dealing with others. We don't always get along harmoniously with others at home, at school and in public places, and some unpleasant things will always happen. In order to make our life more harmonious, we must know how to put ourselves in each other's shoes and take into account the feelings of others, and understand the principle of "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you". For example, when teaching "Learn to live in harmony", you can grasp two cases in the textbook, so that students can compare them and find out the reasons for the wrong practices. Furthermore, let students realize that they don't intend to force others to obey themselves, and they can't only care about their own wishes. Everyone has their own wishes and ideas, and they all hope that others will respect their own existence and choices. Combined with cases, let students contact their own lives, talk about their unpleasant experiences, and focus on their feelings and opinions. In this way, students can understand the truth that they will be happier only if they live in harmony with others.

The teaching of morality and rule of law plays an important role in the healthy growth of students. Because the formation of students' good ideological and moral character and the cultivation of their behavior habits can't be realized overnight. Therefore, in the teaching of morality and rule of law, teachers should make full use of illustrations, audio-visual methods, etc., to improve students' interest in learning, so that they can receive education in a pleasant psychological state, so as to improve their cognition and ability to distinguish right from wrong, so as to better guide students' real life and become an upright person.