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Discussion on the construction of teaching system of campus growth planning for college students

2023-04-10 23:11Source:Journal of Education Research

Title: Discussion on the construction of teaching system of campus growth planning for college students   高校大学生校园成长规划教学体系建设的探讨

Name(s): Mai Zhenfeng   麦振峰

Abstract: Although the construction of the teaching system in the ideological and political and cultural knowledge education of college students has been quite complete and mature in China's general colleges and universities, in today's diverse and open campus learning environment, how do college students choose to embark on a path of campus growth that can realize the precise positioning of their self-worth? In the construction of the overall teaching system of colleges and universities, the teaching of college students' campus growth planning is very lacking. Therefore, it is one of the important topics of college students' growth education to explore the construction of campus growth planning teaching system.   国内普遍的高校虽然在大学生思想政治和文化知识教育方面的教学体系建设已相当完整和成熟,但是在如今多元开放的校园学习环境下,大学生如何选择走上一条能实现自我价值精准定位的大学校园成长之路,在高校整体教学体系建设中对大学生校园成长规划的教学十分缺乏。为此,探讨建设高校大学生校园成长规划教学体系是当前高校大学生成长教育的重要课题之一。

Key words: growth track; Sand table simulation; Teaching system; Experience education   成长轨迹;沙盘模拟;教学体系;体验教育


https://dx.doi.org/10.12424/ER.2023.002      https://www.oc-press.com/ER-01-008.html