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Research progress on influencing factors and preventive measures of falls in senile dementia patient

2023-03-09 12:13Source:International Medical Research Forum

Title: Research progress on influencing factors and preventive measures of falls in senile dementia patients 老年痴呆患者跌倒的影响因素及预防措施的研究进展

Name(s): Jiao Xinhan 焦焮焓

Abstract: To review the influencing factors and preventive measures of falls in the elderly with dementia. The main factors affecting falls of the elderly with dementia were summarized, including age, gender, inability to move alone, intellectual impairment, environmental risk factors and psychological factors. This paper discusses the preventive measures for the elderly with dementia, including the ACMMM management model, the knowledge, belief and practice intervention model, the fall prevention sensory treatment, the fall prevention drug treatment, and the patient protection measures, and comprehensively analyzes the effects and limitations of these preventive measures, so as to provide a reference for the further development of the prevention plan for the elderly with dementia. 对痴呆老人跌倒的影响因素及预防措施进行综述。总结归纳了影响痴呆老人跌倒的主要因素,包括年龄、性别、不能独自活动、智力损害、环境危险因素、心理因素6个方面。探讨了痴呆老人的预防对策, 包括ACMMM管理模型、知信行干预模式、预防跌倒感官治疗、预防跌倒用药治疗、患者的保护措施, 并综合分析了这些预防对策的效果和局限性, 为进一步制订预防痴呆老人方案提供参考。

Key words: Fall; The elderly; Dementia; Nursing 跌倒;老人;痴呆;护理