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On Temporary Release of Convicts..........Ouyang Xiu

2023-03-25 01:12Source:Chinese Literature Translation






On Temporary Release of Convicts

Ouyang Xiu

  Being faithful is practised among gentlemen of honour, while punishments are meted out to men of iniquity. Those who are sentenced to capital punishment are the most heinous criminals and the worst of the men of iniquity. To die for justice instead of shamefully resigning themselves to the circumstances and to face death unflinchingly is the hardest thing even for men of honour. During the sixth year after his enthronement, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty kept in record the names of over 300 convicts of capital punishment and then released them home, on the condition that by the date as fixed upon they should automatically return for execution. That was a matter of keeping a promise which could hardly be carried out even by gentlemen of honor, whereas the worst of the men of iniquity should be supposed to fulfill it for certain. On the appointed date, all the convicts returned without delay.It was a difficult matter even for the gentlemen, but it was easily done by the worst of the men of iniquity. Is that in line with general human nature?  

  Some people say: those who have committed hideous crimes are really men of iniquity; however, if they are granted treatment of benevolence, they may be changed into gentlemen of honor. As the treatment of benevolence deeply touched their hearts, the convicts in question may be quickly changed, which explained why such a thing took place. I would like to say that Emperor Taizong did so in order to earn himself a fame. But how do you know that before he released the convicts, he had not expected them to return automatically in order to obtain pardon; and how do you know that before they were released, those convicts had not craved pardon for their crimes so that they returned to the prison? Emperor Taizong released the convicts home since he felt sure that they would come back. This was a conjecture of the Emperor from above into the minds of the convicts below. The convicts came back because they were sure of being pardoned. This was a conjecture of the convicts from below into the mind of the Emperor above. What I see is that this fame was built by conjecturing about each other’s minds. Where can I see the Emperor’s practice of virtue and the convicts’ maintenance of faith? On the contrary, by the time of the release in question, it had already been six years since Emperor Taizong had applied his policy of spreading virtue and benevolence throughout the country, yet it was still impossible to keep men of iniquity from committing hideous crimes, whereas a mere day’s treatment of benevolence should quickly turn the convicts into men that faced death unflinchingly and remained faithful. That’s one of the things which do not make any sense.

  So what is the right way to do this?In my opinion, convicts who return to the jail after being released home should still be executed without pardon. Then another batch of convicts are released and, if they also return, it can be said that they are moved by treatment of benevolence. Such a thing, however, can never be possible in reality. This kind of measure can be taken occasionally for convicts to be allowed home and then pardoned from capital punishment upon their return. If the practice is adopted all the time, it means the murderers will not be executed. Can this be the law of the the country? If it can’t, can it be regarded as the law of the saints? Therefore, Emperor Yao, Emperor Shun and the Three Kings must have ruled the land on the basis of general human nature, instead of regarding something unconventional as outstanding and doing things against reason for their own fame.

Translated by Jin Deming