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Increased Security in Insecurely Attached Individuals

2023-05-10 20:16Source:Social Science Research Forum

Increased Security in Insecurely Attached Individuals

Qingqing Lei

Department of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing

Abstract: Attachment security is important for individuals and studies have shown that it can be molded. Starting from the attachment enhancement model, this paper explores the mechanism and feasi-ble strategies for improving individual attachment security in daily life. For avoidant individuals attachment security can be enhanced by expressing gratitude to partners and communicating ex-act needs. For anxious individuals, attachment security can be improved by affirming positive qualities, encouraging personal challenges, and guiding attribution. Finally, the shortcomings of the model and the future development direction are discussed.

Keywords: Attachment Security, Attachment Security Enhancement Model, Insecure Attachment




摘要: 依恋安全感对个体而言十分重要,并且研究表明其是可塑造的。从依恋增强模型入手,探索在日常生活中,提高个体依恋安全感的机制及可行的策略。针对回避型个体可通过向伴侣表示感激和传达确切的需求来增强依恋安全;对于焦虑型个体可以通过肯定积极品质,鼓励个人挑战,引导归因方式来提升依恋安全。最后讨论了该模型的不足和未来发展方向。

关键词: 依恋安全感;依恋安全增强模型;非安全依恋个体