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Book Detail

Book Detail


Dormancy is equivalent to flowering
Dormancy is equivalent to flowering
Author: Yan Yiwen, Xilou, Jiangnan Youlan, Qiao Ning
Subjects: Poetry_collections
Publication Date: December 2022
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 24/17/1.3
Pages: 182
Weight: 0.769 Pounds
Imprint: World Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-914915-41-3
List Price:

Author Biography

Yan Yi Wen (real name:Xu Xubin), a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, lives in Zhejiang Province. His works are scattered in "Poetry Tide", "Green Wind", "Yanhe", "Selected Poems", "Chinese Poetry", and "Chinese Poetry". He has won Xu Zhimo Micro Poetry Award, Bashan Cup Ancient Poetry Award, etc.   言一文(本名许叙斌),中国诗歌学会会员,居浙江,作品散见《诗潮》《绿风》《延河》《诗选刊》《中华辞赋》《中华诗词》,获徐志摩微诗奖、巴山杯古诗奖等。

Xilou (real name: Xu Yanying), a senior high school Chinese teacher, is a director of Haining Poetry Society, Zhejiang Province. Some poems have been published in such magazines as Morning Star, Zhejiang Poet and other online platforms.   西楼(本名徐燕英),高中语文老师,浙江省海宁市诗歌学会理事。有诗歌发表于《启明星》《浙江诗人》等刊及各网络平台。

Jiangnan Younan (real name: Gu Ganghong), a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, lives in Zhejiang. Her works are distributed in Poetry Monthly, Chinese Poets, Poetry Tide, Zhejiang Poets, Selected Poems, Yanhe, etc.   江南幽兰(本名顾岗红),中国诗歌学会会员,居浙江,作品散发于《诗歌月刊》《中国诗人》《诗潮》《浙江诗人》《诗选刊》《延河》等。

Qiao Ning (real name:Liu Jiao), a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, was born in Bazhong, Sichuan in 1987 and now lives in Haining, Zhejiang. Flying in dreams, walking around the world, reading and writing poetry in leisure time. May your words reflect the stars of life and fireworks. 乔宁(本名刘娇)中国诗歌学会会员,1987年生于四川巴中,现居浙江海宁。梦中飞翔,人间踽行,闲暇读书写诗。愿以素语辉映生命星光与烟火。

Book Description

It is said that poetry is far away, but life keeps recalling us, and the recalled people know that poetry is not only far away, but also in the present, and dormancy is another kind of flower! This is a collection of grass roots. It is neither secret nor sacred. Its beauty comes not from language, but from the heart and rooted in life.   都说诗在远方,生活却不断地将我们召回,而被召回的人都知道,诗并不只在远方,诗也在当下,蛰伏是另一种花开!这是一本草根的合集,它并不隐秘,也没那么神圣,它的美,并非来自语言,而是来自于心灵,根植于生活。