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Book Detail

Book Detail


Author: Linda Li
Subjects: Biography / Personal memoirs
Languages: Chinese
Publication Date: January 2024
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 24/17/2
Pages: 351
Weight: 1.268 Pounds
Imprint: Overseas Chinese Press
ISBN: 978-1-63931-686-1
List Price:

About Author

Linda Li, female, born in August 1961, of the Han nationality, born in Beijing, is from Tuanhe Police College in Daxing County, Beijing. Now residing in Australia, he is now a legally registered Sex worker in Australia and has been working for more than 20 years.   琳达,女,1961年8月生,汉族,北京市人,北京大兴县团河警察学院。 现定居澳洲,现在是澳洲合法注册的性工作者,已从业十十多年。

Book Description

This book is a biographical novel adapted from the author's own personal experience, depicting the author's extraordinary life experiences of over sixty years. It is a legend and also the author's legendary life. The book describes the author's growing experience from childhood to adulthood in Chinese Mainland, from a prison guard who has worked for many years, and then slowly went abroad to seek his dream in Australia. After arriving in Australia, the author's understanding of dreams and life was gradually changed by different cultures, and then he entered the ranks of Sex worker; At the beginning, how to painfully pass through emotional barriers; Afterwards, how did you struggle through the work barrier; Later, she gradually understood and realized the importance, nobility and purity of her profession, and finally became the number one comfy lady among Australian Sex worker.   本书是根据作者自身亲身经历改编的传记类小说,描写了作者走过的六十多年不平凡的人生经历,它是一种传奇,也是作者的传奇人生。书中描写了作者从在中国大陆从小到大的成长经历,从一名工作多年的狱警,然后慢慢走出国门,到澳洲寻求自己的梦想的故事。到澳洲后作者对梦想和对生活的理解慢慢被不同文化所改变,然后走进了性工作者的行列;一开始是如何痛苦地过感情关;之后又是怎样举步艰难地过工作关;到后来逐渐明白和认识到自己职业的重要性、高尚性和纯洁性,最后成为澳洲性工作者里的头牌number one comfy lady——第一舒服女士。