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Book Detail

Book Detail


Author: Alice Li
Subjects: Cooking / Reference books
Languages: English & Japanese
Publication Date: March 2024
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 21/14.5/0.4
Pages: 30
Weight: 0.249 Pounds
Imprint: Overseas Chinese Press
ISBN: 979-8-88874-137-5
List Price:

About Author

Li Anqi (Alice Li) was born on June 7, 2007 in Shanghai, China. Currently, she is pursuing her studies in Grade 11 at Stevenson School in California, USA. Having attended Shanghai United International School during her primary education, she received both Chinese and Western education from an early age, thus acquiring a profound understanding of Eastern and Western cultures. Because of her passion for Japanese anime and food, Alice Li has been learning Japanese since grade 9 and is keen to share a variety of Japanese dishes with everyone. There are many people around the world who love Japanese food, however, many people don’t know how to order properly. Drawing from personal experiences, Alice Li imparts valuable insights in this book, offering guidance on selecting suitable restaurants and mastering the art of placing orders. Just Indulge yourself in the delights of Japanese cuisine. 李安祺(英語名:Alice Li)、200767日中国上海市生まれ、現在米国カリフォルニア州のスティーブンソン・スクール(Stevenson School)に通う11年生。小学校は上海協和双語学校に通い、幼い頃から中西双方の教育を受 け、東西文化に深い体験を持っていた。日本のアニメやグルメが好きで、9年生から日本語を学び、様々な日本食をみんなに伝えることに情熱を注いでいる。世界中日本食が好きな人は多いが、注文の仕方を知らない人も多い。李安祺は実体験でいくつかの心得を分かち合った。どのふうにレストランを選ぶか、どのふうにオーダーするか、この本はガイドである。どうか日本食を楽しんでください。

Book Description

The author shares a firsthand experience of Japanese cuisine, providing readers with references on how to choose Japanese restaurants and order dishes. 著者は日本食に関する体験を共有し、日本食レストランの選び方、料理の注文方法について、読者に参考を提供している。