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Overseas Chinese Press Inc is an comprehensive of bilingual publisher in New York, Includes the following imprints: Overseas Chinese Press, World Books Publishing, China Culture Press, World Science Publishing House, Empyrean Literature Publishing, etc. We are mainly publishes Literature, Arts, Biography, Lifestyle, Psychology and inspiration, Language, Academic research Works, publishes more than 500 Books a year. The language of publication is in English, Chinese and bilingual. ISBN allocation is relatively flexible, It can be submitted and approved at the same time. About 2-3 days give it to you. You need to Provide 5 copies of sample books within 60 days, and Cover file. Convenient us to register the book number, and in our website and Bookwire database query. Due to the needs of business development, we are now looking for regional agents for external cooperation.

Book Detail

Book Detail


Birds chirp on breast shaped peaks
Birds chirp on breast shaped peaks
Author: Zhou Yulin
Subjects: Fiction_short stories
Publication Date: December 2021
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 20.5/14.5/1.2
Pages: 252
Weight: 0.627 Pounds
Imprint: Contemporary Litterateur Publishing House
ISBN: 978-1-63931-304-4
List Price:

About Author

Yulin zhou, male, civil servants, xiaogan, hubei province, city writers association members. In the e-government research and management work for years. Successively in the national, provincial and municipal newspapers, the media and the public network platform above statements about 700000 words. Adhering to the creation for the people, create good new, creative quality, creation, eulogizing new era, and promote the positive energy. Now the literature quarterly contemporary literary fiction editor.   周毓麟,男,公务员,湖北省孝感市人,市作家协会会员。从事政务调研及管理工作多年。先后在国家、省、市级以上报刊、媒体及公众网络平台发表文字约70万字。秉承创作为民、创作劝善、创作求真、创作唯新,讴歌新时代,弘扬正能量。现为文学季刊《当代文学家》小说编辑。

Book Description

This collection is divided into short, medium-length two parts, about 300000 words. The source of novel creation from childhood listening to my grandma and grandpa taught folk stories, and I see and hear after work some of the interesting legends. Story master to folk artisans, celebrities, especially afraid not fare well, brave struggle to change destiny character is given priority to, involving a small number of government officials of conscience.   本小说集分为短篇、中篇两个部分,约30万字。小说创作的源泉源自童年时期听奶奶、外公讲授的民间故事,以及我工作后耳闻目睹的一些趣闻传说。故事主人多以民间能工巧匠、名人,特别是不畏命途多舛、勇敢抗争改变命运人物为主,涉及少数政府机关良心官员。