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Book Detail

Book Detail


Journey to the West in the furnace of fire
Journey to the West in the furnace of fire
Author: Qiu Yaoqun
Subjects: Literature
Publication Date: February 2022
Book Format: Paperback
Pages: 206
Weight: 0.628 Pounds
Imprint: World Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-914915-17-8
List Price:

Book Description

The late spring and Autumn period and the early Warring States period; Located in a place called Aolai country in Dongsheng Shenzhou in ancient China, a stone monkey once appeared out of thin air. After living in shuilian cave of Huaguo Mountain for a period of time, the stone monkey finally became a real monkey king after going abroad and learning skills. The story of the whole book will be carried out layer by layer around the monkey king until the monkey king assists the Tang monk to learn scriptures from the West; Including but not limited to accepting the crown of heaven, stirring up the flat peach club, making havoc in heaven and finally being trapped. Finally, due to the emergence of Tang monk, Monkey King completed his self redemption and began his new life journey. 仇耀群,本名孔凡,汉族,1978年11月生人;现常住于辽宁沈阳。自幼受家庭熏陶以及对文学艺术的热爱;偶然间,萌发了对经典著作《西游记》再创作的想法,并在克服重重困难与阻力后最终完成此书。

Author Biography

Qiu Yaoqun, whose real name is Kong fan, Han nationality, was born in November 1978; Now he often lives in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Influenced by family and love of literature and art since childhood; Occasionally, he had the idea of re creating the classic book journey to the west, and finally completed the book after overcoming many difficulties and obstacles.   春秋末期,战国初期;在位于中国古代东胜神洲一个叫做傲来国的地方曾凭空出现一个石猴,石猴在花果山水帘洞生活了一段时间后,又经过远赴重洋、拜师学艺的成长,终于成为了名副其实的美猴王。全书的故事情节将全面围绕孙悟空层层展开,直至孙悟空协助唐僧西天取经之前;包括但不限于接受天庭的册封、搅闹蟠桃会、大闹天宫与最终被困。最终,由于唐僧的出现,孙悟空完成了自我救赎并开始了自己新的生命旅程。