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Book Detail

Book Detail


Hello, Danfeng Normal School
Hello, Danfeng Normal School
Author: Zhang Fucang
Subjects: Fiction_general
Publication Date: October 2022
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 21/14.8/1.8
Pages: 278
Weight: 0.708 Pounds
Imprint: World Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-914915-35-2
List Price:

Author Biography

Zhang Fucang, male, Han nationality, is a native of Longju Ancient Village, a famous town in southern Shaanxi. He graduated from Danfeng Normal Secondary School in Shaanxi Province in June 1988. In June 1993, he graduated from the geography major of Shaanxi Institute of Education by correspondence from a junior college. In June 2008, he graduated from the Chinese language and literature major of Northwest University through self-study examination. Member of Shaanxi Writers Association, senior language teacher, member of the 9th CPPCC of Danfeng County. In 2012, he began to engage in novel creation, and published novels "Longju Ancient Village", "Longju Family", "Longju Village Fengyun", "Longju Village Love", "Longju Village Legend" and "White Lies". "Manchuan Pass", "Longju Village", "Hello, Danfeng Normal School", "Longju Ancient Village", "Longju Family" and "White Lies" have signed copyright lease contracts and exclusive licensing radio drama contracts. The past of Manchuan Pass and the story of Longju Village have been authorized as the exclusive film and television agent. He is the author of Nine Degrees of Space. Some of his works have been published in newspapers and magazines. Some of his works have won awards.   张富仓,男,汉族,陕南名镇龙驹古寨人,1988年6月毕业于陕西省丹凤师范中等学校,1993年6月大专函授毕业于陕西教育学院地理专业,2008年6月自学考试毕业于西北大学汉语言文学专业。陕西省作家协会会员,高级语文教师,丹凤县九届政协委员。2012年开始从事长篇小说创作,出版长篇小说《龙驹古寨》《龙驹寨一家人》《龙驹寨风云》《龙驹寨情事》《龙驹寨传奇》《善意的谎言》。《漫川关往事》《龙驹寨风云》《你好,丹凤师范》《龙驹古寨》《龙驹寨一家人》《善意的谎言》已经签订版权租赁合同、独家授权广播剧合同。《漫川关往事》《龙驹寨风云》已经独家授权影视代理版权。著有《九度空间》,部分作品见报刊,有作品获奖。

Book Description

The background of the novel is that the country, in order to alleviate the serious shortage of rural teachers, recruited about 4 million secondary normal school students from the best junior high school graduates from 1983 to 1999, and added them to the most remote and backward rural education in China. The story takes place in Danfeng Normal School from September 1985 to June 1988. The novel is unfolded by two heroes, "I" and "She". After graduating from junior high school, they, a group of students aged 15, 6 and 7, responded positively to the call of the state and came to Danfeng Normal School in Shangluo. They were students of the first junior high school of Danfeng Normal School. They came from seven counties in Shangluo (later changed to the city). Under the care of school leaders, under the guidance of teacher Liu, the head teacher, and under the education of teachers in various subjects, Danfeng Normal School was their common home, Class 2, Grade 1985, is a member of Danfeng Normal School. They spent the best time in their three years of life in Danfeng Normal School. They studied and grew up together in Danfeng Normal School. They breathed the same air in the big shop, listened to the same teacher's voice in the classroom, received the same teacher's education, ran together on the playground, walked together on the Danjiang River embankment, Tianzi Ridge, Yehu Ridge They left their footprints on the Shangshan Mountain. Danfeng Normal University has their most precious youth and their brotherly and sisterly friendship. From beginning to end, they cared about each other, learned from each other, and grew up with each other. They spent this romantic and innocent time together. This wonderful time of study is the greatest predestination of their previous lives and the most precious spiritual wealth of their present life.   小说的时代背景是国家为了缓解农村师资严重不足,从1983年到1999年,国家从最优秀的初中毕业生中,招收了大约400万的中等师范生,补充到中国最偏僻、最落后的乡村教育中去。故事发生在1985年9月至1988年6月的丹凤师范学校,小说以“我”和“她”这两个男女主人公展开。他们这群十五、六、七岁的学生,初中毕业后,积极响应国家号召,来到了商洛地区丹凤师范,他们是丹凤师范第一届初中专的学生,来自商洛地区(后改为市)七个县,在学校领导的关心下,在班主任刘老师的教导下,在各科教师的教育下,丹凤师范是他们共同的家,一九八五级二班就是丹凤师范这个大家庭中的一员,他们在丹凤师范渡过了人生三年最美好的时光,他们在丹凤师范一起学习,一起成长,在大通铺里呼吸着相同的空气,在教室里聆听过相同的老师的声音,接受着相同老师的教育,在操场上一起奔跑,在丹江河堤上一起散步,天子岭、野狐岭、商山上留下了他们的足迹。丹凤师范有他们最宝贵的青春,有他们兄弟姐妹般的情谊。他们自始至终,相互关心,相互学习,相互成长,一起渡过了这段浪漫而又纯真的求学时光。这段美好的求学时光是他们前生今世修来的最大缘分,也是他们今生今世最宝贵的精神财富。