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Book Detail

Book Detail


Statistical report writing and presentation
Statistical report writing and presentation
Author: Liu Fengzhi
Subjects: Social sciences
Publication Date: July 2022
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 20.5/14.5/0.7
Pages: 144
Weight: 0.381 Pounds
Imprint: China Culture Press
ISBN: 978-1-63931-327-3
List Price:

About Author

Liu Fengzhi, born in 1963, bachelor degree, graduated from Economics Department of Inner Mongolia University in 1981, now engaged in statistics teaching in Inner Mongolia Economic and Trade College. 刘凤枝,女,1963年生,汉族,大学本科,1981年毕业于内蒙古大学经济系,现在内蒙古经贸学院从事统计学教学工作。

Book Description

The compilation of this book highlights the following characteristics: one is to highlight operability, the purpose of statistical post knowledge training is to improve quality and promote work, so this book highlights operability, learning can be immediately applied to statistical work; Second, the writing of statistical analysis is combined with the knowledge of statistical software and statistical model, which reflects the prospective of statistical analysis report. Third, it has strong pertinence. There are a lot of statistical analysis report writing and related content, and it is impossible to elaborate all of them in detail. Most of the problems that are often encountered in statistical work are introduced in the textbook, so as to bring people into the door and generate interest. This book consists of four chapters, including an overview of statistical analysis reports, writing examples and comments on statistical analysis reports, on-site interpretation and analysis of statistical data, and the application of statistical analysis software and models in statistical reports. 本书的编写突出了以下特点:一是突出可操作性,统计岗位知识培训的目的是提高素质促进工作,因此本书突出操作性,学习之后可以马上应用到统计工作中;二是统计分析写作与相关统计软件与统计模型等知识相结合,体现了统计分析报告的前瞻性;三是有较强的针对性,统计分析报告写作以及相关内容很多,不可能全部详细阐述,教材中介绍的多是统计工作中经常遇到的问题,把大家引进门,产生兴趣。本书内容为四章,包括统计分析报告概述、统计分析报告写作实例与点评、现场统计数据解读分析演示、统计分析软件和模型在统计报告中的应用等内容。