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Book Detail


Borrow one or two winds from the world to give you a long way to go
Borrow one or two winds from the world to give you a long way to go
Author: Luo Dezhen
Subjects: Biography
Publication Date: November 2022
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 20.5/14.8/1
Pages: 165
Weight: 0.485 Pounds
Imprint: Huaxia Literature Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-63931-481-2
List Price:

Author Biography

Luo Dezhen was born in Guizhou, China, in 1998. Her 13-year-old father died of asthma. Influenced by a single parent's family, he paid special attention to feelings. When he was in college, he had a love affair, but it ended in failure. Since then, Ms. Luo Dezhen's first debut, "Borrow one or two winds from the world to give you a long way to go", has opened the curtain. "Borrow one or two winds from the world to give you a long way to go" has recorded the author's memory of his family, Emotional marriage and ethnic customs and cultures in Guizhou. 罗得珍,1998年出生于中国贵州,十三岁父亲因为哮喘病离世,受单亲家庭影响特别重视感情,大学的时候谈过一段恋爱,不过以失败告终,此后,罗得珍女士的首部处女作《借人间一两风,予你来日方长》拉开序幕,“借人间一两风,予你来日方长”记录了作者对亲情的缅怀,感情婚姻以及贵州地区民族风情文化的阐述。

Book Description

"Borrow one or two winds from the world to give you a long way to go" was mainly written by Ms. Luo Dezhen to remember her father and lament the impermanence of life. It recorded Ms. Luo Dezhen's uncertain life experience and the local national cultural philosophy. 《借人间一两风,予你来日方长》是罗得珍女士主要写来缅怀父亲以及感叹人生无常而撰写的,记录了罗得珍女士命运多舛,坎坷的无常人生经历以及当地的民族文化哲学。