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Book Detail

Book Detail


Yan Junping, the natural doctor of Shu Han, is the legendary judge of the case
Yan Junping, the natural doctor of Shu Han, is the legendary judge of the case
Author: Yue Ming
Subjects: Fiction_general
Languages: Chinese
Publication Date: January 2023
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 21/14.5/0.8
Pages: 121
Weight: 0.362 Pounds
Imprint: Overseas Chinese Press
ISBN: 978-1-63931-356-3
List Price:

About Author

Yue Ming was born in December of Jiazili calendar year. According to the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, the author has studied the traditional culture of Caidu Qihengshu and has written several monographs on Caidu Qihengshu. 岳明,甲子历癸巳年腊月出生。根据《黄帝内经》研究揆度奇恒术传统文化,先后撰写揆度奇恒术专著若干。

Book Description

This book records the legendary story of Yan Junping's use of the natural medicine Caidu Qihengshu to adjudicate cases for the government. Yan Junping (86 BC - 10 AD), a native of Yizhou in the Western Han Dynasty. The original name of Zhuang Zun was changed to Yan Junping because of avoiding the taboo of Liu Zhuang, the Ming Emperor of the Han Dynasty. He lived in seclusion in Chengdu and took divination as his career. We should make good use of the natural medicine Caidu Qiheng to solve difficult and complicated cases. Publicize the "Tao Te Ching" and write the "Lao Zi Gui Gui". A museum was set up to teach apprentices in Pingle Mountain, Pixian County, and Yang Xiong, a thinker, a scholar of change, and a writer of poetry and prose in the late Western Han Dynasty, was trained as a proud disciple. Two important historical events, "Wang Mang's usurpation of power" and "the revival of Guangwu", were predicted 20 years in advance by the Keydou Qihengshu. 本书记载了严君平用天医揆度奇恒术为官府断案的传奇故事。严君平(公元前86年—公元10年),西汉益州人。本名庄遵,因回避汉明帝刘庄名讳,改名严君平,隐居成都,以卜筮为业。善用天医揆度奇恒术断疑难杂案。宣扬《道德经》,撰写《老子指归》。设馆授徒于郫县平乐山,培养出得意弟子西汉末年思想家、易学家、辞赋家扬雄。以揆度奇恒术提前20年预测出“王莽篡权”和“光武中兴”两个重要的历史事件。