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Yue Hongji: An Explorer in the Field of Northern Dynasty Stone Carving Calligraphy

2023-12-31 22:47Source:Humanities, Arts and Philosophy

Yue Hongji: An Explorer in the Field of Northern Dynasty Stone Carving Calligraphy


Xie Anning


Yue Hongji said: “I am fortunate to be engaged in calligraphy research and creation in the ancient city of Xi'an, which has a history of over 3000 years. Due to its rich cultural resources, during the Han Dynasty, the five styles of calligraphy, namely true, cursive, clerical, seal, and line, were all prepared here. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the calligraphy here drew on the genes of foreign cultures from ethnic minorities, forming a situation of integration of northern and southern calligraphy. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the calligraphy here reached the most prosperous and prosperous stage in the history of Chinese calligraphy. During the Republic of China Calligraphers such as Yu Youren, Shen Yimo, Song Bolu, and Wang Shitang have emerged, especially the ‘Three Wonders of Guanzhong Stele' proposed by Yu Youren, which has enhanced the influence of Shaanxi calligraphy in the country. With such a rich cultural heritage of calligraphy, we should better excavate, organize, study, and protect it, otherwise we will be sorry for our ancestors...”That's what he said and did.

岳红记说:有幸在这具有3000多年历史的西安古城从事书法研究和创作,因为这里的文化资源丰厚,汉代时,这里书法的真、草、隶、篆、行五体皆备,南北朝时,这里的书法汲取了少数民族外来文化的基因,形成了南北书法融合的局面,隋唐时,这里的书法走向了中国书法史最繁荣、昌盛的阶段。民国时,这里出了于右任、沈伊默、宋伯鲁、王世镗等书法大家,特别是于右任提出的关中三绝碑提升了陕西书法在全国的影响力,如此丰厚的书法文化遗产,我们应该对其进行更好挖掘、整理、研究、保护,否则就对不起老祖宗……” 他是这么说的,也是这么做的
